Saturday, December 29, 2012

Getting Started

Getting Started is always a daunting step!

All of my friends keep telling me I should start selling my photos or enter the world of freelance photography.  For me, that is counter to what I use photography for, but I do want to begin expanding my audience a bit.  This blog is all about sharing my experiences both domestic and foreign by casting my net wider.  I will try to add photos on a semi-regular basis as I have interesting photos to share.  My goal is to post a weekly photo.  We'll see how it goes.

Moscow's Heritage:

To get us started, I want to post an image that has eluded me over the past few years but finally came to me on a photo walk in Moscow, Idaho today.  The old grain elevators have many stories behind them, but the most important tidbit of information is that they are still standing at all.  A developer wanted to preserve them when the city was planning to tear them down.  Grain elevators, especially ones of this scale are a symbol of what used to be the primary form of prosperity in this area.  Now the universities and other industries have taken over, but we still have the legacy of the old grain elevators in our photos. 

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